Spinal Decompression is a revolutionary new procedure for back pain sufferers! It is comfortable, effective, affordable and even a safe alternative to surgery for many patients. Our revolutionary Spinal Decompression Table effectively treats Herniated Discs, Bulging Discs, Sciatica (Leg Pain), and Degenerated Discs & More!

How Do I Know If I am Eligible For Care?
Call Us Today to Schedule YOUR Consultation!
We treat low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, herniated discs, degenerative or bulging discs, or spinal stenosis with non surgical spinal decompression. Learn more about this safe, comfortable, and affordable low back and neck pain treatment offered by Bell Health in Saint Charles, Missouri.
Call us to schedule a complimentary consultation to determine if you are a candidate for Spinal Decompression and our multi-step Protocol. The doctor will ask you a series of questions such as “Where is the pain, when did it begin, what makes it better or worse?” Then a thorough examination will be performed in which case the doctor will check your reflexes, blood pressure, balance, gait, skin sensory changes, muscle strength, and more to determine the cause of your back or neck pain. At this point the doctor may recommend x-rays or an MRI if he feels like further imaging will be necessary to determine the exact cause. After combining all of this information together the doctor will determine if you will make a good candidate for spinal decompression therapy and our multi-step Protocol. If you do qualify for care, your Doctor will explain their recommended plan of action for you. If for some reason you do not qualify for care the doctor will refer you to someone who may better suit your needs.
The information on this site has not been evaluated by the FDA.

How does Spinal Decompression help a Herniated Disc?
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression slowly lengthens and decompresses the spine, creating negative pressures within the discs. This reversal of pressure creates a vacuum inside the discs that helps to reposition bulging discs and draw extruded disc material back into place, taking pressure off pinched nerves. Spinal experts believe that nutrients, oxygen, and fluids are drawn into the disc to create a revitalized environment conducive to healing.
What are the Treatments like?
At the beginning of each session, you will be comfortably fitted with a harness designed to achieve optimal decompression of the low back or neck. During a session of spinal decompression you will notice a slow lengthening of your spine as your discs are gradually decompressed and relieved of pressure. The treatment process is safe and relaxing. While some patients with extensively injured discs have reported mild discomfort during the first few treatment sessions, their discomfort subsides upon subsequent visits. A patient safety switch provides an extra safety feature, allowing you to stop at any point should you feel discomfort. Each treatment session lasts approximately 30 minutes. Individual patient results may vary.
What is the Typical Treatment Protocol?
A typical spinal decompression treatment protocol consists of about 12-20 sessions over four to six weeks. Some conditions require fewer visits; some require more. Many patients report relief from their pain and other symptoms during the first few treatment sessions, and most experience dramatic pain relief after completion of their prescribed treatment program.
Why is Spinal Decompression Different from Traction, Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Manipulation?
While traction, physical therapy, and manipulation may reduce disc pressures to as low as 40 mm Hg, only spinal decompression has been shown to achieve negative pressures within the spine. It has been clinically proven that spinal decompression creates negative pressures as low as -110 mm Hg3 within the injured disc during the treatment session. Normally, pulls exerted on the spine trigger sensory receptors in the back to tighten the muscles surrounding the vertebrae and discs in an effort to protect them from injury. Spinal Decompression bypasses this response by slowly pulling on the spine and relaxing the back over an extended period of time, allowing the discs to be repositioned without tension and without causing spasm and muscle guarding.
It is important for patients to make sure that they are treated on a high quality true spinal decompression table by a physician with years of experience and not an imitation spinal decompression table.
Is it true that Research has shown up to 88.9% Success Rate for Spinal Decompression?
Yes! More than 10 research articles have shown success rates for spinal decompression to be up to 88.9%. In fact John Leslie M.D. and the Mayo Clinic reported at the 18th Annual Meeting American Academy of Pain Management in Tampa Florida on September 5, 2007 the following amazing statistics:
Multi-center, phase II, non-randomized pilot study utilizing spinal decompression.
Designed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of spinal decompression in the treatment of chronic lower back pain.
Patients enrolled have an average of ten years of chronic back pain.
After two weeks of treatments of spinal decompression — 50% reduction in pain scores.
Upon completion of the entire six week protocol success rate of 88.9% was documented.
Is it true that Professional Athletes, Celebrities and Patients in their 90s have turned to Spinal Decompression and Cold Laser Therapy as a Successful, non-surgical option to Neck and Back Pain WITHOUT the use of drugs, pills and surgery?
Yes! Professional athletes, celebrities and even patients in their 90s are turning to spinal decompression and cold laser therapy as an affordable, non-surgical alternative to neck and back pain without the use of drugs, pills and surgery. People are tired of taking pills that simply mask the pain and can cause all kinds of serious side effects. People are frustrated with getting shots that work the first time or two and then eventually have minimal or no effect. And people are scared to death of surgery as they have seen firsthand as their friends and relatives who spent 1,000s of dollars, had weeks of “down time”, have scars, and risked serious side effects and still ended up with a “failed back surgery syndrome”. New non-surgical spinal decompression is not only effective and affordable but is also non-invasive and safe.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal Stenosis or narrowing of the spinal cord canal is a condition that affects many adults after the age of 50. This occurs when the spinal canal, containing the nerve roots and spinal cord becomes constricted or compressed usually by bone spurs or disc bulges. This can lead to compression of the spinal cord or spinal nerves resulting in cramping, pain or numbness in the back, legs, and or feet.
People suffering from Spinal Stenosis may have trouble walking any significant distance, and usually must sit or lean forward over a grocery cart, countertop or assistive device such as a walker in order to relieve the pain. The pain, numbness and tingling is usually equally down both legs. A general rule of thumb is that if the pain is down one leg and hurts worse with sitting or leaning forward it is typically related to a disc herniation or bulge. If a person has pain down both legs and is worse when walking or standing then Spinal Stenosis should be suspected.
What causes Spinal Stenosis?
Spinal stenosis is usually caused by progressive degenerative changes in the spine. This can occur from the narrowing of space around the spinal cord due to bony overgrowth (bone spurs) from arthritis, combined with thickening or calcification of one or more ligaments in the back. Stenosis can also be caused by a bulge or herniation of the intervertebral discs. This must be differentiated from the stenosis caused by the bony overgrowth that can occur on the vertebral bodies, or facet joints. Spinal decompression therapy may not be appropriate in moderate to severe cases of spinal stenosis with many spurs and thickened ligaments. On the other hand, if the stenosis of the central canal is primarily from bulging discs, or herniated discs, then non-surgical spinal decompression may be very successful. A consultation and review of your MRI should determine whether surgery or Spinal Decompression is going to be your best alternative.
Who is at risk of developing Spinal Stenosis?
The risk of developing Spinal Stenosis increases in those who:
Are born with a narrow spinal canal
Are female
Are 50 years of age or older
Have had previous injury or surgery of the spine
Conditions that can cause Spinal Stenosis include:
Arthritis and bone spurs (osteophytes) associated with aging
Previous surgery
Spinal tumors (rare)